Transmissions from the Spiritual Hierarchy

We need to talk to you about positive attitudes. More can be achieved through living your life this way. We know that not all outcomes are positive, but that may be because lessons have to be learnt. Accept and move on!

You are here to be Joyful and to bring as much Happiness to others as you can. To bring Joy to others is to bring Joy to yourselves. Keep a smile on your face and give it to as many people as you can.

We are with you always, whether you are aware of us or not. No one is ever alone, even in their darkest hours.

All you have to do is ask for our help – you will see, Miracles will happen!


This is such exciting news about the BIG CHANGE about to come. You are not able yet to see it in its entirety i.e. how the World will be – but you certainly can believe it can happen.

We need MORE people to change their mindset to believe what is happening is REAL and the World will become less materialistic and generally happier.

It is very easy for Us to tell you this Eternal Truth:

Love is the Key
Love is the answer to all ills
Love can surmount any obstacles

The more people who can bring Love into their lives, the better the World will be, as well as for the individual.

We are here to bring HOPE to the World as We feel it has been lost to many people. If there is no hope, people give up and don’t try to fight for their rights, their independence and their self-worth.


This is a message for all who seek Initiation, or further States to progress along the Path to Enlightenment.

We here can see much preparation going on and it heartens us because it means that the Energy sent will be used well, and with the commitment it deserves.

You, as people seeking Initiation can be assured that on every step of the Journey you will be cared for, helped and Loved by Us.

It is a Journey to find out about the big questions you may have been looking for all your life. For instance, ‘Why are we here?”
Perhaps you will have sought the answers in spiritual books and been disappointed.

On this Journey of Light and Sound you will find out the answers for yourself. There will be no need for clarification as you will know in your heart that the answers are True; it will all make sense to you.

You may discover that you are thinking in a different way, the old ideas and ways of being, diet, etc. will change. This is all natural process of “letting go” and having the potential to become the best that you can be whilst in a physical form. To reach the highest Spiritual State of Enlightenment – which, in turn will help to raise awareness in your fellow Man.


We are Beings of Light who are the embodiment of unconditional Love. We are not Enlightened as you are for we have no physical body which is necessary in order to be Enlightened.

We Love you and are aware of much suffering that is prevalent on Earth. We do not feel the suffering, as our Energies, our Frequencies are high, but we empathize with you and would like to help. The way in which we can do so is by helping you to raise the collective Consciousness of the Earth. This is achieved by as many people as possible Meditating on Light and Sound and being Enlightened. Thus we have several planned periods of blanket Grace, including an extended period over the Easter, when Grace allows the changing of States.

We are very excited about the numbers who will receive the Light and Sound, and those who will expand from First to Second Initiation and of course to Enlightenment. Our hope is that all those of you who benefit will then, through Love, help others to follow this Path to Enlightenment. By doing so you will raise the Consciousness of this planet and its inhabitants.

Talk to Us. Reach out to Us and we will guide you and help you. Use the Spiritual Resonances we have given you to heal each other. Love knows no bounds. Demonstrate your Love for each other and for all Humanity and the Earth and respect the animal kingdom.


The Power and Beauty of the Light and Sound to all true seekers is immense and beyond all Human understanding. It is only by Meditating in this way that the Truth about the Creation can be found. Everyone has the Potential to realize this Power; it is through perseverance and dedication that this Knowledge will be given to them


The Divine Spark is given, through touch, by an Enlightened person who links the meditator directly to the Spiritual Hierarchy. They transmit Energy to the meditator allowing them to Resonate with the Light and Sound of higher planes of Consciousness. The access to these Energies is permanent and through the process of meditation one can follow a Path which will lead to incredible discoveries and realizations. This requires both perseverance and dedication which will result in immense Stillness, Peace and Joy.


Your answer lies not in how to neutralize (war intentions) but how to change the consciousness of your planet. Once the desire for power has turned into aggression there is not a lot to be done. What we are aiming to do is to go to the source of the psyche of mankind to try to neutralize this innate quest for power.
There will always be world leaders who are forced to comply with the demands from those they serve. What we are talking about is the general populace who are being contaminated by what you call the “Modern World”, which at this moment means the massive invasion of the New Technology which is crippling the minds of your children who are future adults.
What can be done? Well, on a Spiritual level we can raise the consciousness but don’t underestimate the power of visualization. It doesn’t take as many people as you might think to get together as a collective mind to visualize the war-torn areas and replace fear, hatred and search for power with love and forgiveness.
An individual persons’ thoughts are very powerful: what would happen if like minds are joined for a collective quest for good? You could start a movement with your group of meditators.


Love is the boundless Energy that pervades all the Creation. Everywhere you look there is Love, because everything that you can see, feel and touch exists because of it. Everything is connected, so every thought, deed or word is recorded.
Nothing is lost: words spoken in anger are more powerful and cause more damage so try to become more gentle in your approach to things. Keep your emotions in check and think before you speak.


We have already stated that Love is the principle that pervades all things and everything exists because of it. If this is the case why are there so many wars on the planet? Doesn’t this go against Man’s true nature? Why is it that in a world that exists because of Love that there can be so much Hate?
The answer lies in duality. The ins and outs, the good and bad, ups and downs, highs and lows, love and hate. The mission of Man is to go beyond his dual nature on Earth, to meditate on Light and Sound which will show him the way to finding the Love in Enlightenment which doesn’t have an opposite.

Love exists on its own, unconditional, without edges, boundless.

There is no judgement in Love.

Love is forgiveness and needs no………

Love accepts all things as they are.

The Love attained on Enlightenment is Pure, untainted and cannot be compromised.

Love is constant.

True happiness is everlasting Love.

Love is the Ultimate expression of Truth. It denies nothing and overrides everything.

What is more beautiful than the Love found on Enlightenment?

Love is the only thing that cannot be controlled. Love contains all things; Love supports all things.

Love is the Ultimate expression of Universal Oneness.


This will explain the difficulties that people have in their close relationships:
When incarnations occur there are always life lessons that have been planned before birth. These can be anything from learning about an abusive relationship, a child dying or just generally coping with life’s ups and downs. Most people find it hard to deal with the patterns which crop up in their lives. Once they understand that these are only patterns which crop up in their “fabric”, then they will be very much happier and healthier. Other people are there to show them certain aspects of themselves and the more they resist then the more they keep cropping up.


With respect to the Brain and its functions – it is underused and the reasons being that since Man has been on Earth there have been major shifts in how it has been utilized.
Since Man lived in primitive conditions to now there has been much change and the Brain has had to adapt to these changes. We are talking about the rise and fall of civilizations and Spirituality played a major part. Therefore, of course that part of the Brain to do with linking with Higher Dimensions came into use until the demise of that particular civilization. Then it lay dormant.
Just to note, that every major civilization has been linked in some way, to a greater or lesser degree to Spirituality.


When Man first became aware of himself in a more conscious way he automatically looked for his “Maker” and the reasons behind his existence. We were ready at that point to give him the answers he needed.
As you are aware, religions sprung from these “messages on high”, which came and went with time over the centuries. That is why there is such similarity between the faiths and religions, because at Source the same messages were sent out to willing “listeners”. How could it be any other way, there is only one Truth.
Writing this will help people to get some understanding of Spirit and how it works. It will give people a clearer way to find their “purpose”, which is missing in the World at this time.


Each Initiate has their own journey. If the seeker cannot access the Light, then they should look to their hearts and wonder why:-

1. Am I too greedy for the Light and not letting everything unfold in its own time?

2. Do I feel unworthy?

3. When I sit to meditate, am I always open for whatever happens?

4. Is there something on my mind that needs to be addressed?

We all bring something to the table, so to speak: it is impossible to be completely neutral. A pure, clear, giving seeker who just wants to let go of their troubles, will be the one who gets the most from this amazing journey


The permanent state of which you speak cannot be permanent, within a physical body. You can have realizations with states of consciousness but that is what they are, not states of being.
For example, you can witness the state of “non thinking” in deep meditation, but you are the witness, not the state.
On Enlightenment you go to that “permanent state” for a while, you feel different and life should change for you – but you come back to live your life, albeit from a different perspective. I repeat, you DO come back, you have to, or you could not function as a human being.
When an Enlightened person dies they shed first their physical shell, ascend to the higher dimensions and enter into a”big sleep” continuing to shed further bodies that were used while in human form on Earth. Then a shift occurs and “they” are no longer the “individual” but still conscious, a Being of Light. The Being of Light then joins with their Essence which permanently resides in the Spiritual Worlds..
Following this there are 3 possibilities:

1. Merging into the Oneness…….forever.

2. Staying in the Spiritual Worlds, serving and continuing to learn.

3. Returning to the physical dimensions by taking another set of vehicles to further pursue life’s lessons.


Waves are part of the order of life and all energies can be considered as having a wave nature. Waves also come from the higher dimensions, when the planet is ready, to bring about evolutionary changes. These include the “sparks” that lead to new inventions and technologies as well as new ideas that are given when Man has evolved to a certain point so that he is capable of taking on these changes.
Cycles are necessary because of the nature of Man. He needs a structure in order to survive; there has to be an order in people’s lives. Each day the Sun rises and sets at predictable times as the seasons turn from one into another. The tides rise and fall with mathematical accuracy and women exhibit a menstrual cycle which correlates to the phases of the Moon. The Earth in spinning turns once a day, it orbits the Sun defining the year and constantly wobbles on its axis. Even our breathing and heartbeats are rhythmical.
These all add up to Man’s stability to cope with the ups and downs of just surviving.


1. When you reach your goal another will always appear.Therefore make no thing your goal if you seek Enlightenment.

2. Goals are penalties on the field of life. They trick you into playing the game.

3. Time is the illusion that we are moving too slowly

4. Expect nothing and All will be revealed.

5. Direction leads to separation: no direction leads to Enlightenment.

6. The river flows yet it is still there.

7. In the beginning was the Word: before the beginning was Silence. In the beginning was the Light: before the beginning was Darkness.

8. Our perception is limited by our ability to resonate with Truth.

9. Being in thoughts centres us in the world: being outside thoughts centres us somewhere else.

10. Being within limits brings security: being outside limits brings Freedom.

11. Never give so that you can receive: always be receptive so that you can give.

12. Silence cannot be found in sound: but Sound can be found in Silence.

13. Darkness cannot be found in light: but Light can be found in Darkness.

14. Ends and beginnings are separations of thought.

15. When we look in any one direction we miss Everything.

16. The Cause is only the beginning of that which is.

17. That that is, is: that that is not – is God.

18. When knowledge gives way to acceptance – Truth has a chance.

19. The Answer is revealed when the questioning stops.

20. Knowing truth is ignorance: being completely Ignorant is Truth.

21. In the End there is no beginning: in the Beginning there is no end.

22. When we live we die: when we Die we Live.

23. When you bow down to everything around you will discover that Everything is bowing to you.

24. Let the self be truly grateful so that gratitude may reveal Self.

25. A mirror reflects self looking at Self and then shows the mirror to be an illusion.

26. Emptiness is just the illusion of Potential.

27. Colour occurs when Light dissolves and melody when Sound dissolves…both beautiful expressions of Eternal Oneness.

28. When we disappear we are found Everywhere.

29. The spirit of Essence is the essence of Spirit.

30. As Above, so below:one is the reflection of the Self, the other the self reflected as One.

31. Time waits for no man, but ultimately no man can wait for time: It is merely the illusion by which we measure change.

32. The further we travel the more things we leave behind. Therefore find somewhere from which it is impossible to travel, so that nothing will ever be lost.

33. A thought is just a frame from the film of life. Don’t get caught up in the plot: seek the Writer!


We are more than happy to talk to you about this matter. It is important that people meditating have some idea of this vast subject.

“Are we responsible for our mistakes or would they happen no matter what we do?”

This is a question asked frequently in one guise or another. In order to answer that we need to look at where the person is asking the question from. If it is asked from a person “locked” in the world then we need to answer it from that level. If it is asked from a person meditating and questioning “free will” then the answer would be different. It is a case of perspective.

If a person goes through their life never questioning then much unhappiness occurs. They never stop to ask this deep question that, when answered, and fully understood could alleviate much of their pain. e.g. I alone am responsible for my own actions; I have free will and therefore I can choose whatever path I wish to take……can lead to……..It’s all my fault that it happened! If only I had not chosen to do that! Who is the I talking?

Free will is a complicated issue because, as you rightly suggest humankind commonly try to understand it from their minds which obviously is limited. But from a limited perspective it can be seen that the “machinery” that works in this Universe is set in motion and does have a life of its own, in that, the wheels turn and there is a certain predictability. Night and day, the seasons, the tides etc. But have you also looked at people’s habits which they are born with. There is predictability in that also. So a person that is born into “habits” is not going to have “free will” in a sense because he is just “tick tock.”

So what about a person born with an unpredictability factor, such as yourselves. Can you say also that you don’t have free will? Here the complications start………… When a Being is deciding what body to take, what mind and emotions to take, which place to live etc. that life will take place under that person’s umbrella of predictability. In other words he will react to situations in the way he has been programmed to do with that type of body/mind/emotions etc.

However your analogy of the Joker in the pack is spot on. In every life there are “wild cards” set into the incarnation where people can, if they wish, break out of the “mould”.


We are Beings of Light who are the embodiment of unconditional Love. We are not Enlightened as you are for we have no physical body which is necessary in order to be Enlightened.

We Love you and are aware of much suffering that is prevalent on Earth. We do not feel the suffering, as our Energies, our Frequencies are high, but we empathize with you and would like to help. The way in which we can do so is by helping you to raise the collective Consciousness of the Earth. This is achieved by as many people as possible Meditating on Light and Sound and being Enlightened. Thus we have several planned periods of blanket Grace, including an extended period over the Easter, when Grace allows the changing of States.

We are very excited about the numbers who will receive the Light and Sound, and those who will expand from First to Second Initiation and of course to Enlightenment. Our hope is that all those of you who benefit will then, through Love, help others to follow this Path to Enlightenment. By doing so you will raise the Consciousness of this planet and its inhabitants.

Talk to Us. Reach out to Us and we will guide you and help you. Use the Spiritual Resonances we have given you to heal each other. Love knows no bounds. Demonstrate your Love for each other and for all Humanity and the Earth and respect the animal kingdom.

The greatest Service of all is the bringing of
Spirit into matter.